Students perform studies in education and training institutions in order to learn knowledge, skills, techniquesor an art.

How can Students Contribute to
Zero Waste Management?

How can Contribute to
Zero Waste Management?

The students represent the bright future of our society and the power of ourcountry. A well-educated generation is essential in creating a strong society and a strong nation. For this reason, students should educate themselves in the way of personality as well as science and knowledge. They should be familiar with the important issues required by today. In order to improve both their own future and the living environment of the next generations, students should take into account the zerowaste management model in any environment they attend such as home, school, classroom, etc. They should collect waste according to their types and set an example for their environment. They can play a key role in building a more sustainable environment.

At the same time, students should guide their families and their environment as the soldiers of a conscious generation and contribute to the formation of a sustainable environment.